Seed Cycling for Hormonal Health.
What is Seed Cycling? Seed cycling is a method of utilising the nutritional and medicinal properties of certain seeds to support the menstrual cycle. By including a specific combination of seeds in each phase of the cycle, the body is provided with precursor nutrients, antioxidants, phytoestrogens and anti-inflammatory omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which support healthy ovulation and menstrual cycle. The seeds are also a source of dietary fibre and regular consumption contributes to a healthy gut microbiome.
Foods & Nutrients for Hormonal Health.
Food & nutrients for Hormonal Health. As the first leaves just begin to turn from their vibrant greens to dusky oranges, reds and yellows and begin to fall, we are offered a moment to reflect on our harvest and the bounty that we have created in our lives. In the same breath, we are being asked to also consider what needs letting go of, what is no longer working for us, what deadwood needs pruning, and what needs to be grieved for, for not having grown, so that it can be returned to the earth and the greater cycles of life? So, some quiet time with a lovely cup of herbal tea, a journal and some time to reflect as we move into this quieter time of the year, may allow some insight on what is being called up in you as we shift into the beginning of the descent.
Seasonal Eating & Spanish Chorizo Soup.
Much like the trees that are pulling their energy inwards, away from the leaves and into the trunk and roots, so we are being called to do the same. And as the leaves turn their beautiful vibrant colours and begin to fall, we are asked to reflect on our harvest and what bounty we have created in our lives? Equally this season asks us to consider what is no longer working for us, what deadwood needs pruning, what needs to be grieved for not having grown and what needs to be let go of, so that it can return to the earth and the greater cycle of life? So, some quiet time with a lovely cup of herbal tea, to reflect and journal as we move into this quieter time of the year, may allow some insight on what is being called up in you right now.
Supporting Immunity & Wellbeing
Supporting Immunity & Wellbeing. Winter finds us in a place of deep introspection with the self, a time to draw deeply inward, to reflect on what must be allowed to fall away and decay so that it can be returned as nourishment for the Earth. It is a time to lay fallow and to be nourished by the quiet and rest. This time of the seasonal wheel is akin to the phase of menstruation, and the energy of the crone, when deep rest is called for so that the body, mind and soul can be nurtured and nourished in the silence.
Brain & Stress Support During the HSC Year.
Stress & brain support during the HSC year. As the final HSC exams near, and I find myself at the pointier end of this academic journey, my thoughts have turned to putting together a newsletter all about brain health and stress management. Some of you may also have children doing their HSC, or you may have children on either side, perhaps at uni or in their later high school years. Some of you may be studying yourselves or struggling with the demands of a high stress job and brain fog. Either way I hope that some of these beautiful supportive herbs, nutrients or lifestyle tips are helpful to you.
Natural Remedies for Easing the Allergy Season.
Spring has certainly arrived with a burst and the warmer weather is just beautiful. I'm revelling in the renewed energy that this season brings and I'm finding it easier and easier to get up with the sun.
Staying Strong & Healthy through Winter.
Staying strong & healthy through winter. Well, here you have it in one neat little package of goodness for all of you. I have put together all of my favourite foods, supplements and herbal medicines to keep your body and immune system strong and healthy as we navigate our way through this unprecedented time.
The Art and Practice of Self-Care.
The art and practice of true self-care can be so difficult for so many of us to put into place. My own journey with self-care has also been fraught, but once I really took the time to look deep within and stop allowing the world and all of its endless distractions to be my excuse, I found a place of deep healing and self-love. But, before that could happen I had to acknowledge the belief that I wasn't worthy or important enough for self-care and the time that it required, because instead everyone else came first.
Earth Medicine for Immune Support
Stay well hydrated and drink herbal teas, especially a combination of yarrow, elder flower and peppermint. This traditional formulation will support the body in ridding itself of the virus by allowing the fever to come up, so it can do the job that it is meant to, and help the immune system to work at its optimal level of function.